terminology|terminologies in English


[ter·mi·nol·o·gy || ‚tɜrmɪ'nɑlədʒɪ /‚tɜːmɪ'nɒl-]

nomenclature, study of names and terms

Use "terminology|terminologies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "terminology|terminologies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "terminology|terminologies", or refer to the context using the word "terminology|terminologies" in the English Dictionary.

1. Other terminologies include: Crinkle

2. Terminology used in the Chronology

3. - Anatomy and physiology; medical terminology

4. I don't understand scientific terminology.

5. Chimneys – parts, terminology and anatomy

6. We must emphasize that straight and homo are only two terminologies for fictitious and ambiguous categorisation.

7. Terminology regarding Biotoxins is extremely important

8. The modern terminology of "Astral

9. Terminology regarding Biotoxins is extremely important

10. He tends to use fancy terminology.

11. Anatomical terminology is a form of scientific terminology used by anatomists, zoologists, and health professionals such as doctors.

12. Borrowing and Arabization in the Generation of Scientific Terminology, Research published in the symposium of term and terminology, Algeria

13. Understand the acronyms and unique terminology.

14. The new terminology will quickly become pejorative.

15. The terminology of financial markets can be imprecise.

16. The term weft is taken from weaving terminology.

17. This nomenclature tends to confuse the terminology. Sentencedict.com

18. The exact terminology eludes me for the moment.

19. He particularly criticized the terminology in the document.

20. The below figure summarizes the file Carving terminology

21. To be simple, the terminology must be understood.

22. 5 This nomenclature tends to confuse the terminology.

23. It's couched in such very user-unfriendly terminology.

24. A Comparative Analysis of Polish-German Terminology of Microeconomics

25. Also includes translation, terminology, data conversion and alignment tools.